A telemedicine company providing high-quality care that is convenient for you and your family.

Personalized care when and where you need it.

Based in the beautiful mountains of Jackson, WY, Virtual Medical Solutions was created to serve patients conveniently and efficiently in their own homes. In this time, when safety and security are paramount, we are here to help, in a way that allows our patients to meet us from the comfort of their own homes.

Contact Us

Virtual Medical Solutions, LLC


(O) 307-413-2922

(F) 615-205-6912

Areas of Practice

Urgent Care and Primary Care


Medication Management


Mental Health and Wellness


"With a full-time job and two kids, it is hard for me to drive to a doctor’s office in the middle of the day. Finding Tessa has allowed me to feel in control of any medical issues my family is facing, and we never have to leave the house.” - Sarah

Get in Touch

Reach out with questions or to schedule an appointment.